Call to fast and pray for elections

electionprayerSouth African Christians are urged to participate in a second call for 40 days of focused prayer for the elections from April 1 to May 10, says Pastor Laurette Mkati, prayer coordinator of the SA Prayer Movement for Change.

The first call was from March 1 to April 9. The second call, which includes fasting, includes the day of voting, counting the ballot and announcing results.

She says not everyone is expected to fast the 40 days, although those with a burden and a grace to do so are urged to do so. Churches, prayer groups and intercessors in the nation are asked to share the fast days through the 40 days.

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There are, however, two corporate fasting seasons of three days each, in which SAPMG is asking all Christians to fast and pray. The corporate fasting days are April 7 to April 9, and May 5 to May 7.

“There is great power in united prayer and even greater when we add fasting,” says Mkati.

Various resources are available to help Christians pray strategically for the elections. These include the SAPMG Prayer Strategy Document, a Prayer Guide from the Insitute of Christian Leadership Deveopment (ICLD), a Jericho Walls Prayer Pointers.

Another resource, highlighted by Mkati, is a General Elections Conversation Guide that has been prepared by ICLD to help people think through their decision before the voting day. This guidecan be obtained by contacting Mathie on 082 561 3512 or by emailing

In a prayer letter this week, Mkati says it is now the month when Israel celebrates Passover — “an excellent month for us as South Africa to tap into this prophetic season of deliverance from oppression, as we did 20 years ago when God delivered us from the oppression of apartheid”.

Likening South Africa’s experience over the past 20 years to that of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness with the promised land before them, she says: “It is time for us to raise up a cry until there is a Moses company, who will take deep times in prayer with God to get His pattern for the building of this nation according to His specifications (Psalm 127:1), a Joshua generation who will mobilise the royal priesthood, the church of Jesus Christ, to take up the ark of His presence and the rod of His authority, step into the troubled waters of our communities, and lead the people into the promised. A generation willing to fight, not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers of darkness, especially the New Age/Illuminati, who have seduced the government of our nation and established their wicked agenda causing us to rebel against God through our secular humanist constitution and legislation that directly contradicts God’s word. A generation who will not keep silent day or night before God (Isaiah 62:6-7) or before the people of South Africa (2 Chronicles 30:6-9) until we have returned to the Lord and forsaken our wicked ways. Then our God will hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).”


  1. ChristopherBlackwell

    Ironically the problem in South Africa are caused solely by its Christian majority. It is corrupt Christians that have corrupted the government, corrupt Christians Christian ministers that have invented this silly superstitious Satanic Panic. It is corrupt Christians that have not financed decent schooling for the children and allow abject poverty to run rampant. It is corrupt Christians that make up most of the criminals ad promote most of the the crime. It is corrupt Christians that scream magic every time something goes wrong and who never take any responsibility for their own errors, it is corrupt Christians who blame misfortune on others doing magic against them and equally corrupt Christians who kill and torture people that they blame for their troubles. When Christians clean up their own house and their own religion, then and only then will South Africa stand a chance of becoming a decent country. Clean up the corruption that has taken over you religions and then God might smile on you.

  2. Clayton Caroline

    Except that those people are not “true Christians”. It’s called the No True Scotman fallacy & it is an great excuse for people who don’t what to associate themselves with the more extreme members of their group.

  3. Pingback: Call to fast and pray for elections - United News Watch

  4. Pingback: ‘S.A. Prayer Movement for Change’ a wolf in sheep’s clothing | Penton

  5. ‘S.A. Prayer Movement for Change’ a wolf in sheep’s clothing
    Damon Leff | Minority Review | 2 April 2014

    Don’t be fooled by the S.A. Prayer Movement for Change. They’re not praying for peaceful elections; they’re praying for the violent destruction and suppression of identified religious and gender minorities. Is inciting the general public to psychically and spiritually attack Witches, Freemasons, Muslims, Pagans, Esoterics and Satanists through prayer protected under the constitutional guarantee to religious belief? Are curses by Christians not equally actionable? If not, is it because they are ineffective, or because they are sanctioned by the state?

    Read more…

  6. Dear pagans, the Christian election prayer initiatives of the various Christian prayer networks are not against any people groups but do include prayers against destructive spiritual powers.God loves all the people of our beautiful nation and as a Christian, so do I. Our prayers are indeed for the blessing of the nation and all of its people. I realise and respect that you reject the Christian faith and worldview. But this is a Christian news website and our content reflects our worldview — just as you express yours on your independent pagan media website.

  7. Rev Ian Karshagen

    I love it when the opposition to active Christianity is so intense! “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of Me,” Jesus says, “for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” If the church had to stand back and do nothing it would still be persecuted, so let’s go church, judgement is the Lord’s, and the pagan opposers will kneel before Him in due course! Praise the Lord!

    • Hehe Amen Rev!
      There are 40 of us who have been fasting for 40 days for the elections, we’re on day 28 and God is showing us mighty things to come! Praise Jesus!

    • Lionel Rudling

      Since it is the heathen you are persecuting does it mean God is blessing them this round? Or is God siding with those who judge not lest they be judged? Sounds like you are in need of the kneeling before God and the stark reminder that three fingers point back in that boomerang which is God’s judgement. The harder you throw the harder I hits you when it returns.

  8. Clayton Caroline

    Nothing fails like prayer & make no mistake this will fail.

  9. Rev Ian Karshagen

    If you say prayer fails, then you haven’t prayed in Spirit and in Truth! To find out more, stop fight against God and submit to Him. The day is coming anyway when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! It’s in the Bible, look it up.

  10. Clayton Caroline

    Submit to Allah he is the one true God! It’s in the Koran, look it up! – this is what you sound like to me.

  11. Lionel Rudling

    Great way to keep the faithful feeble and weak-minded at the ballot. There is no oppression as effective as self-oppression.

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