Other News

Uruguay approves gay marriage bill

Originally published in The Independant Uruguayan lawmakers have voted to legalise gay marriage, making the South American country the third in the Americas to do so. Supporters of the law, who had filled the public seats in the legislative building, erupted in celebration on Wednesday when the results were announced. […]

It has been getting a bit colder recently

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych.[/notice] It has been getting a bit colder recently.  The few deciduous trees that we have around here are shedding their golden leaves.  The season is changing.  Some people I know are not ready to wave goodbye to the glorious summer months.  I however, […]

From call centre drudgery to successful film-maker, author

[notice]By ANNA-MARIA LOMBARD — originally published in www.scratchpages.co.za[/notice] God used old schoolfriend to say: “I do see you.” It’s the stuff of movies – but this story is real: He wrote his first motion picture screenplay in 10 days and secured investment from a major financial institution. Turning the screenplay […]

‘Fight Against Poverty Seminar’ in PE

Practical ways to save money and become better stewards of God’s blessings will be shared at a “Fight Against Poverty Seminar” at Fountain Vineyard Church, Port Elizabeth at 7pm on Thursday, April 18. Anybody who is concerned about people who are battling to make ends meet, or who needs to […]

Male Rape Part 4 — Causes and prevention

[notice]Male rape has, for a long time, been almost completely unacknowledged, rarely reported and often scorned. How, after all, can a man possibly be raped? In the final article in a 4-part series, DIANNE STEVEN considers root causes of rape and prevention measures.[/notice] Most people agree that rape and violence […]