Other News

Now is the time to be patient!

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych: the fourth of a series of reflections on the nine fruits of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23)[/notice] “We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. We do not […]

Catchy and uplifting new Hyland album

Music Review by Shelley Wasserman FINDING OUR WAY — Hyland Genre: Pop/rockReleased in SA by Brettian Productions. Track listing: 1.    Power and Love 2.    Wondering and Waiting 3.    Beauty in the Broken 4.    Brothers 5.    Calm in the Storm 6.    More than Famous 7.    Work in Progress 8.    Lucky in […]

Two suicide attacks on Nigerian church, after future Archbishop of Canterbury visits

By Open Doors News Amidst continuing attacks on Churches and Christian communities in Northern Nigeria, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair has launched a faith-based programme to promote religious tolerance in the country. Eleven people were killed and thirty others injured in two successive suicide attacks on […]