Other News

A sound investment in ‘charcoal’

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych[/notice] When I was a young girl, my best friend and I once developed a notion that braai charcoal had the potential to transform into diamonds. I suppose we heard about how coal, buried deep within the earth and subjected to immense pressure over […]

Is ‘moderate Islam’ relevant?

[notice]A view that Islam does not pose a threat to Christianity because only a small fraction of Muslims are radical could cost the West dearly, writes the author of an analysis in InContextMinististries‘ A World in Motion, Issue 61.[/notice] The White House is now calling the assault on the American […]

Judicial ‘scandal’ clouds Turkey murder trial

Originally published in Baptist Press A cloud has been cast on the Turkish courtroom where proceedings began Sept. 3 against 19 suspects in the murder of three Christians in 2007. At issue: Both prosecutors and two of the three judges were replaced Sept. 1. Of particular shock was the removal […]