Originally published in Christian Today Deborah Savely was devastated when a beloved Bible fell out of her backpack over 40 years ago. Sure, she could have gone to the store and bought another one quite easily, but this particular Bible had special meaning, having been bought by her father in […]
Tag: blessing
Mysterious diners leave hefty ‘tips for Jesus’
Originally published in All Christian News.com They haven’t exactly been identified, and it isn’t even known whether or not they are more than one person. But, someone has been travelling all over the US, leaving large amounts of cash as tips for waiters and bartenders. He, or they, leaves the […]
Farmer leaves R35m to children’s home
A North West farmer who was murdered on his property in April has blessed a cash-strapped children’s home in Potchefstroom with a R35-million bequest. The unexpected fortune would help the home through a very difficult time, said Abraham Kriel Children’s Home manager, Catharien Saayman in an interview with Radio Tygerberg […]
Wedding story inspires honeymoon blessing
A heartwarming wedding story that was published in Gateway News earlier this week prompted a reader to offer the newlyweds a honeymoon gift of a romantic stay in a waterfront hotel at Port St Francis. The reader, Sanett Oosthuizen, of George, has also suggested that other Gateway News readers might […]