Tag: Christian persecution

Crackdown on Anglican Church in Zimbabwe

By Karen Peake – Originally published in Christianity Today The Anglican Church in Zimbabwe is facing a tough battle against state authorities and an ex-communicated bishop trying to take away its property and its freedom to worship. In the latest incident, sixteen churchgoers, including an elderly woman, were arrested and […]

Christian Woman in Darfur, Sudan arrested for evangelizing

Sudanese National Security Intelligence and Security Service agents have arrested a Christian woman in a Darfur camp for displaced people, accusing her of converting Muslims to Christianity, said sources who fear she is being tortured, Compass News Direct reported yesterday. At the same time, in Khartoum a Christian mother of […]

New Christian convert from Islam murdered in Somalia

Originally published in Charisma News Two Muslim extremists in Somalia on Monday (April 18) murdered a member of a secret Christian community in Lower Shabele region as part of a campaign to rid the country of Christianity, sources said. An area source told Compass two al Shabaab militants shot 21-year-old […]

What is happening in the Middle East?

[notice]An analysis of the headline-grabbing developments in the Middle East, by Dr Peter Hammond, founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship and and an evangelist to Muslims and a Missionary to restricted access areas for over 29 years.[/notice] The tidal waves of protests and riots convulsing capitals throughout the Arab world […]