The first week of Gateway News

It has been an exciting week for Gateway News. We launched the new Eastern Cape online newspaper on Monday and this is the first of our weekly newsletters. We are thrilled by the positive response from readers and believe that God has indeed opened a gateway for providing the people of Port Elizabeth and the Eastern Cape a Christian perspective on news and current affairs. Take a look at our Quote of the Week in which Errol Naidoo makes the point that too many Christians’ worldview is shaped by liberal media, rather than by the Word of God. We are no subsitute for the Word of God but we certainly aim to provide readers with news and views that will inform, inspire, edify and glorify Jesus.

We are starting small. As one of our regular writers, Danie Mouton said, “We are building the aircraft in flight.” We can do that because we know that our pilot is the King of Kings himself! We do however have a vision to have 100 000 regular readers within 6 months. I hope our vision is not too small! You can play a vital role in helping us to achieve or exceed that vision by taking the following action:

TELL YOUR FRIENDS to visit and to register online for this free weekly newsletter. If you are a church leader please prioritise giving this message to your congregants.

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SHARE OUR STORIESĀ  with your Facebook and Twitter friends. Just click on the appropriate links in the “Share this story” box at the top right of every article.

JOIN THE DISCUSSION by commenting on articles. Your views are important.

WRITE FOR US. Every church should be sending news and articles to Gateway News. Wherever you are, if you would like to send us news or newstips, please send your emails to


Our newsmakers of the week in our first week are General Dawie Rabie and John and Kathy Kloppers. Read their stories if you have not done so already. Also don’t miss the Klopper’s Honeymoon blessing.

At the end of our first week we would also like to thank two great PE media voices, PE Church Net and Kingfisher FM for the support and encouragement they have been to us in our launch week. You guys have Kingdom vision!


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