Originally published in Christian Headlines
Four-time Grammy Nominated Christian singer and songwriter Matthew West premiered his new song on Friday, and it packs a powerful pro-life punch.
West’s song Unplanned is expected to appear in the new pro-life movie by the same namesake.
As Crosswalk.com reported, the R rated Christian movie “tells the story of Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood director who changed her mind about the issue after watching an abortion in her clinic” and later became a powerful pro-life leader.
When writing the song Unplanned to be the movie’s title track, CBN News reports that West said he thought a lot about seeing his own daughter’s first ultrasound and what that meant to him.
The song starts off with West singing, “I’m looking at a masterpiece/ I’m staring at a work of art/ I’m listening to a symphony/ In every beat of your tiny heart/ You used to be a choice to make/ But now I think you’ve chosen me /’Cause I see ten fingers, ten toes /Two eyes and I know this is meant to be.”
“I wrote this from the perspective of someone seeing their newborn baby for the first time,” West said in a statement following the release of the song last week.
He continued, “I tried to capture the feelings I had when I first heard my own daughter’s heartbeat, the overwhelming sense of life that is precious, a life that is a miracle, and a life that is a gift.”
“I hope this song moves you the way it moved me,” he added
While the Unplanned movie starring Ashley Bratcher, Brooks Ryan and Robia Scott among others has yet to hit theatres, you can listen to West’s inspiring new song about life across all major streaming platforms.
The Unplanned movie is set to hit US theatres today.
This is a beautiful inspiration and encouragement from Heaven. Let us not forget this but send it to as many people as we can in order to save lives.