Myles Munro asks African leaders to emulate Mandela

Dr Myles Munro.
Dr Myles Munro.

Originally published in

Celebrated international pastor DrMyles Munroe has called upon African leaders to emulate former South African president Nelson Mandela who ruled for only one term and relinquished power.

Speaking Tuesday afternoon during the 15th national prayer breakfast at Hotel Africana as the keynote speaker, Dr. Munroe said: “Africa has many politicians who are not leaders. Politicians are concerned about the next election but true leaders are concerned about the next generation. Leaders relinquish leadership positions for others.”

Referring to Nelson Mandela as the greatest leader Africa has ever produced, Munroe said, “Mandela spent in prison more than 24 years but ruled for only one term. He did not use power to protect himself from people but used power to empower people.”

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Munroe advised leaders to always create strong institutions as foundations for national visions bearing in mind that whereas visions are permanent, leaders are temporal.

Explaining that every success in the world depends on the quality of leadership, Munroe argued that African nations are underdeveloped due to poor quality of leaders.

“Leadership determines everything in life. Nothing happens without leadership. Whether you are talking about an organisation, church or nation, everything depends on leadership for success. Leaders determine the quality and attitude of their followers. If your country is not effective, it is the fault of its leaders not its people,” he elaborated.

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Prophetic view
Speaking prophetically, Munroe said a time has come for third world countries to give solutions to developed nations.

“I believe Uganda is standing on the edge of greatness. I believe that the future of the world is in the third world countries. The followers will become the leaders. The students will become the teachers. The despised will become the glorious,” Dr. Munroe said to applause.

Discouraging the begging syndrome, he appealed to Africans to develop an attitude that the solutions to African problems are not from outside but within the boarders of African nations.

Before Munroe spoke, President Museveni, quoting 2Thessalonians 3:10 which says ‘those who don’t work should not eat,’ urged Christians to be hard-working and provide solutions for the social-economic transformation of their nations.

“I was in the US recently and found many Ugandans priding in staying there. But much of the social-economic transformation in western nations was brought by religious groups. The development of the US is linked to a religious group called puritans. But other than roaming the globe, what are the African Christians doing?” Museveni wondered.

Explaining that Europe has a middle class that is skilled, Museveni said, “In Europe there are no peasants. They have a skilled working class. But in Africa we have people who speak foreign languages without any skills and you call them middle class. It is a non-productive class.”

Reading Mark 12: 30-31 which tells us to love God wholeheartedly and to love our neighbours as we love ourselves, President Museveni said, “If you do this, it means you believe in God no matter whether you are a Christian or a Muslim.”

The president encouraged believers to always pray to God for His guidance before they make key decisions.

“If you pray about a problem, God will guide you. If you don’t it, I am now telling you. I have never done any big thing without consulting God through prayer. In fact you are not sure, God will always bring a confirmation,” Museveni said.

Amazing testimony
Earlier when the meeting had just started, senior presidential advisor Chris Rwakasisi gave an amazing testimony of how after relentless prayers an angel spoke to him in a dream that in three days he would be released from the prison where he had been incarcerated for 23 years on a death sentence and everything happened as he had been told in the dream.

Quoting Psalm 75:6-7 which says promotion comes from God, the deputy Chief of Defence Forces also gave a testimony of how out of patience and faithfulness to God he had been promoted by the president.

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During the national prayer breakfast, which is a brainchild of the parliament Christian Fellowship, various MPs led the congregation in praying for various issues in line with the theme of advancing into the next 50 years with a national vision.

Besides other artists like Judith Babirye, Jackie Ssenyonga, Price Kwagala and Kidayo choir, the believers were greatly excited to see the parliament choir composed of MPs who also included the deputy speaker Jacob Oulanyah and the First Lady Janet Museveni singing the amazing grace song.

One Comment

    United Nations Resolution

    In November 2009 the United Nations General Assembly declared 18 July, “Nelson Mandela International Day”! This they said was “in recognition of the former South African president’s contribution to the culture of peace and freedom.” The General Assembly Resolution: “recognises Nelson Mandela’s values and his dedication to the service of humanity, in the fields of conflict resolution, race relations, the promotion and protection of human rights, reconciliation, gender equality, and the rights of children and other vulnerable groups, as well as the upliftment of poor and undeveloped communities. It acknowledges his contribution to the struggle for democracy internationally and the promotion of a culture of peace throughout the world.”

    Personality Cults

    With songs of praise and hymns glorifying Nelson Mandela being sung by choirs and taught to school children, we seem to be seeing the beginning of a new religion. The ancient pharaohs were worshipped as gods. The chairmen of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, were elevated to cult status, particularly in the case of Vladimir Lenin, whose tomb continues to be a site of pilgrimage. When Joseph Stalin was dictator of the Soviet Union, the cult of the chairman reached new heights, or rather depths.

    Emperor Worship

    In Romania, Communist Party General Secretary, Nikolai Ceausescu, became the focal point of emperor worship, such as the world had not seen since the days of the caesars. Over 8,000 hymns of praise were composed, honouring the communist dictator, Ceausescu. Literally millions of his pictures adorned homes, offices, schools and government buildings.

    Celebrity Cults

    Hollywood certainly has produced many celebrity cults. However, the extravagant praise and idolising of Nelson Mandela as a hero/martyr and ideal example, has exceeded all bounds. The mythology and idolatry surrounding the Mandela cult is startling.


    Choirs have sung songs and hymns in praise of Nelson Mandela. Concerts and events have been organised in his honour. Massive posters have been erected on Civic Centres. The Department of Education has apparently replaced education – teaching children how to think, with indoctrination – teaching children what to think. In order to enable Nelson Mandela to be entered into the Guinness Book of Records, various publicity stunts have been promoted, including requiring children of all ages in the classroom to write birthday cards to Nelson Mandela and sing Happy Birthday to him on 18 July, to create new records. Now school children are being required to write Tributes and Dedications, praising Nelson Mandela and no dissent permitted. This was a directive to all schools, even independent schools, from the Ministry of Education.

    Mandela’s Abortion Legacy

    This is deeply disturbing on many levels. For example: Are pro-life Christians expected to put their values to one side and deify the man who rammed through parliament, against all opposition, his bill legalising abortion in South Africa? Over one million babies have been killed, officially, legally, in South Africa, with tax-payers’ money, since Nelson Mandela signed the Termination of Pregnancy Bill, 1 February 1997. Life begins at conception. Abortion is murder.

    Pornography is Propaganda for a Rape Culture

    The UN General Assembly may speak of Nelson Mandela’s “promotion of the rights of children, and other vulnerable groups”, but under his presidency pornography was legalised. The South African Police Services, Child Protection Unit reported that child rape increased over 400% as a result.

    Supporting Dictators

    The General Assembly may claim that Nelson Mandela “contributed to the struggle for democracy internationally and the promotion of a culture of peace throughout the world”, yet he closed down South Africa’s Embassy in the Republic of China on the island of Taiwan, and opened up South Africa’s Embassy in Communist China, a one party dictatorship with a brutal human rights record. Nelson Mandela welcomed to South Africa the longest reigning dictator in the world, Fidel Castro, and gave him the highest award this country can offer. Mandela also assembled both Houses of Parliament for Fidel Castro to address. A rare privilege. As president, Nelson Mandela uncritically supported some of the worst dictatorships on the planet such as Castro’s Cuba, Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, Communist China, Gaddafi’s Libya, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, and numerous other states notorious for their human rights abuses.

    Pornography is the Theory – Rape is the Practise

    The General Assembly Resolution may speak of Nelson Mandela’s “dedication to the service of humanity… gender equality…” yet under him, pornography was legalised and prostitution effectively decriminalised, human trafficking exploded in South Africa. Incidents of rape exploded exponentially in the country as sex shops and pornography were, for the first time, allowed in South Africa.

    Do Not Let Facts Get in the Way of a Good Story!

    The UN Declaration describes Nelson Mandela as “a prisoner of conscience.” However the fact is that even Amnesty International refused to take on Nelson Mandela’s case, because they asserted that he was not a political prisoner, but had committed numerous violent crimes and had had a fair trial and a reasonable sentence.

    The Unanswered Reason Why

    The most radical newspapers of the day, such as The Star and Rand Daily Mail praised the leniency of the Court in giving away the lightest possible sentence for such violent crimes. In 1964, anyone in America, or Britain, or France, who committed such crimes would have been executed.

    Just and Fair

    Even the Rand Daily Mail, the most outspoken, liberal newspaper at the time in South Africa and, in many ways, a supporter of Mandela and the ANC, wrote about the sentences passed by the judge: “The sentences pronounced by Judge De Wet at the close of the Rivonia trial are both wise and just. The law is best served when there is firmness tinged with mercy, and this was the case yesterday. The sentences could not have been less severe than those imposed. The men found guilty had planned sabotage on a wide scale and had conspired for armed revolution. As the judge pointed out yesterday, the crime of which they were found guilty was really high treason. The death penalty would have been justified.”


    These are the facts of history. Sentencing Mandela to imprisonment, instead of letting him be hanged, was an act of mercy on the part of his political enemies. Mandela had, therefore, every reason to be grateful and no reason to harbour a grudge against them. He owed his life to them.

    Terror Bombing Campaign

    Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. He had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places. This included the Johannesburg railway station bombing. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists. President Obama, when condemning the Boston bombings declared: “Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians it is an act of terror.” Obama denounced the Boston bombings as “cruel”, “savage” and “malevolent”, yet he still seems to honour a man responsible for many such terror attacks! Obama praises Mandela as his “role model”.

    Refusal to Renounce Terrorism

    South African President P.W. Botha had, on a number of occasions, offered Nelson Mandela freedom from prison, if he would only renounce terrorist violence. This Mandela refused to do.


    Many people may highly respect and idolise Nelson Mandela because of the Invictus film, and the very positive image portrayed through most of the mass media. However, there are many South Africans who would disagree. Nelson Mandela remains a controversial figure.

    Crime Wave

    Under Nelson Mandela’s presidency an average of 25,000 people were murdered each year. Yet, to celebrate his birthdays, Nelson Mandela would regularly open prison doors and set many convicted criminals, including armed robbers, murderers and rapists, free. Some of these were murdering and raping within 24 hours of being released. Well over 100,000 people were murdered under Mandela’s term as president.

    Economic Deterioration

    In 1970s, even while facing terrorism, riots and engaged in a border war with the Cubans in Angola, the South Africa Rand was stronger than the US Dollar. However, after years of international sanctions, the South African Rand had fallen to R2 to the Dollar. In Mandela’s first four years as president, the Rand lost 80% of its value and more than 2.8 million man-days were lost to strikes. The national debt also doubled under Nelson Mandela’s presidency. Under Nelson Mandela, even with no war, no sanctions, no riots, no conscription, and with massive international aid and investment, the Rand plummeted to R8 to the Dollar and even to R10 to the Dollar. Even publications such as The Economist described Nelson Mandela’s presidency at the time as “a failure”. Economic deterioration and skyrocketing crime marred his presidency.

    Idolising a Mythical Figure

    However, we are meant to forget all these facts, and shelve our pro-life, pro-family, moral convictions and bow before this new idol, sing a politician’s praises and effectively burn incense before the image of a new Caesar!

    Refusal to Compromise our Faith

    Historically, Christians have refused to bow before any idol, nor give the worship due to the Creator alone to anyone else. Daniel ended up in the Lion’s Den, Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, and countless Christians were thrown to the lions in the arena for refusing to engage in the statism of their day.

    An Abuse of Education

    It would appear to be an abuse of education to require students to write a positive tribute, or dedication, to any political figure, whom they and their family may have serious reservations about. Education is teaching one how to think. Indoctrination is teaching one what to think.

    Freedom of Conscience

    In any civilised and free society there needs to be room for dissent. Medical personnel who do not want to be part of an abortion should not be forced against their conscience to participate. A teacher who believes in traditional family values should not be required to teach what they see as immorality and perversion. Nor should any student be required to idolise, whether through an assignment, or through singing the praises of a politician.

    Margaret Thatcher

    Recently, Margaret Thatcher, arguable the most outstanding Prime Minister in recent British history, died. Most of the United Kingdom mourned and honoured her memory and achievements. However, it would not be reasonable to expect every child, in every school, in Great Britain to write a tribute to Margaret Thatcher, because some would belong to families who would have disagreed with her economic policies.

    Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan is widely recognised as the greatest president in most American’s memory. However, again, one could not imagine a requirement that every school child in the United States would have to write a positive tribute to Ronald Reagan, as surely there may be some who would disagree.

    Mother Theresa

    Even someone as widely respected as Mother Theresa would have her detractors. One could not expect Protestants to idolise someone who prayed to statues of Mary, no matter how much good work she did amongst the poor of India.

    Divisive and Offensive

    Neither is it reasonable to railroad school children in South Africa into a celebrity cult of any past president of South Africa. Politics is frequently divisive. We would be wiser seeking to focus our children’s attention on that which is uplifting and edifying to all.

    Worship God Alone

    Certainly no Christian can in good conscience, participate in idolatry. God our Creator and Eternal Judge is the only One who deserves our worship, praise and adoration.

    “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yolk of slavery… You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:1,13

    Dr. Peter Hammond

    Frontline Fellowship

    P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725

    Cape Town South Africa

    Tel: 021-689-4480




    See also:

    Idols for Destruction

    Making Idols of Modern Men and Myths

    A Modern Idol – Martin Luther King Jnr.

    The Battle for the Mind in the News Media

    How Propaganda Changes Perceptions and People

    Guilt Manipulation vs. Real Repentance

    The Paganisation of South Africa

    Over One Million Reasons Why I Will Not be Voting ANC

    The Cold War and the Iron Curtain

    The Battle for South Africa

    True and False Guilt

    The Worst Hypocrites in History

    Dealing with Deceit

    A World War of Worldviews

    Humanists are Hypocrites

    Beware Lest Anyone Cheat You

    Several of these articles can also be viewed as PowerPoint Presentations on Slideshare.

    Sources for Documentation

    Treurgrond (on farm murders) and video.

    Land of Sorrow book.

    Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-apartheid South Africa.

    A History of Communism in South Africa – Henry Pike.

    Politics by Other Means: The ANC’s War on South Africa – Morgan Norval.

    The Other End of the Lifeboat – Otto Scott.