Buckle up – Shuttlesworth heads to East London, PE

Jonathan Shuttlesworth (PHOTO: Face Book)

Evangelist Jonathan Shuttlesworth, an associate of revivalist Rodney Howard-Browne, is  preaching at the River Church ‘Days of Glory Youth Explosion’ conference from June 26 to 29 in East London and at Word of Faith Christian Centre, Port Elizabeth on July 2, 4 and 6.

Shuttlesworth has been a full-time preacher of the Gospel for more than a decade and has seen tens of thousands receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour in the United States and as far afield as Congo, India and Hawaii. He is the founder of  Revival Today TV which airs on secular channels in the United States of America, reaching more than 879 360 households. This is his first visit to South Africa.

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For more information about the events visit the River Church or Word of Faith Christian Centre websites. 


  1. Great Man of God! We need him also in Durban, North coast of KZN and in Johannesburg. May he also teach the and the nation, how to vote for the Godly government. Amen.

  2. Please, please can he come to Johannesburg as well. Can one of our churches please invite Jonathan Shuttlesworth! What a true man of GOD!

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