Books & Book Reviews

What are you afraid of?

Book review by Angela Mould ROLLING THUNDER by Mark Mynheir – Book 1 in The Truth Chaser Series.  Category: Christian Suspense Novel Are you totally afraid of thunder and lightning? Does it leave you absolutely paralysed? Sometimes our fears are just irrational but sometimes they are because of childhood traumas […]

A good read for lovers of suspense

Book Review by Amanda Mould LISTEN by Rene Gutteridge. Category: Christian Fiction In this age of Internet we are coming across people sharing so much of their lives on social networking sites without considering the consequences of words.The story opens up scenarios that happen in our everyday lives and brings […]

‘Left Behind’ books get makeover

Sixteen years ago, an apocalyptic thriller titled Left Behind quietly released to Christian bookstores throughout the United States. Little did its authors, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, or its publisher Tyndale House know that it would become a phenomenon, resulting in seven number one bestselling titles and a product […]