
Lack of transparency on ‘Hate Speech Bill’ a concern, says For SA

  The surprise tabling of the contentious ‘Hate Speech Bill’ in parliament this week raises serious religious freedom concerns writes Advocate Nadene Badenhorst of Freedom of Religion SA (FOR SA) in this special report. It has come to our attention that the controversial draft Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes […]

From ‘cursed’ to called — Siphiwe Sibiya’s journey with Jesus

In addition to appointing a new South African team leader, evangelism ministry African Enterprise has appointed Siphiwe Sibiya to fill the key post of setup coordinator. Siphiwe shares his story. I was born in Ulundi (KwaZulu-Natal) in a small village called Mbangayiya and was the youngest of four children. My mother […]

Double portion update — Lindy-Ann Hopley

A monthly column bringing you frontline testimonies of what God is stirring up across the globe. By international revivalist Lindy-Ann Hopley, Beautiful Witness Ministries. Greetings from freezing Amsterdam! GOD IS CALLING HIS BRIDE February — the month of LOVE. Yesterday we woke up to beautiful white snow and soon after […]

Invitation to #CrosstheBridge to healing and reconciliation

South African Christians are invited to join a 40 days of prayer for healing and reconciliation campaign called #CrosstheBridge, hosted by Intercessors for South Africa (Ifsa), a prayer movement that brings together South Africa’s prayer networks. “Recognising the emotional state of our nation, how broken, wounded, hurting, disappointed, angry, hopeless, […]