
ANC wants Zuma no-confidence debate in February

The African National Congress (ANC) has agreed to a request by opposition parties for a parliamentary debate of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma but insists that the debate be held in February. The ANC is committed to ” robust, open and free multiparty debates” however, in view of MPs’ […]

March against crime in Cape Town

Civil rights movement Afriforum, together with singer Bobby van Jaarsveld and other celebrities, will stage a march to Parliament tomorrow (November 21) to demand Government action on violent crime. The march, which is a sequel to a similar march to the Union Buildings, Pretoria in June, is supported by various […]

ACDP condemns Hamas attacks on Israel

The African Christian Democratic Party is grieved by the tragic loss of life in the recent flare-up of conflict in the Middle East and condemns the terror attacks on the South of Israel, says ACDP MP Cheryllyn Dudley in a media release today. Hundreds of rockets were fired by Hamas on […]