
Miraculous transformation of Karoo heartland

[notice]Special Report on the preparation of the venue for the Karoo Mighty Men Conference[/notice] The plains of the Karoo’s heartland are being transformed into a place of experiencing and proclaiming God’s glory: so evident in the seemingly limitless environment of space and stillness with the mighty amphitheatre formed by Rhenosterberg […]

Naidoo launching Beechies boycott campaign over offensive advertising

Family values defender Errol Naidoo said today he was launching a national boycott of Beechies products in protest over Beechies advertising that “glamourises the sexual exploitation of women, drunkenness and debauchery”. In a letter sent yesterday to Beechies chewing gum distributors Natela Importers, Family Policy Institute (FPI) director Naidoo, asked […]

Boycott warning as Beechies glamourises casual sex, drunkenness

[notice]Family Policy Institute(FPI) threatens national boycott campaign unless Beechies withdraws offensive ads[/notice] Christian organisations have reacted strongly to a Beechies chewing gum advertising campaign based on real stories that glamourise drunkenness and casual sex. The campaign, which is aimed at South African youth, first came to the attention of Gateway […]

Drie Afrikaanse kerke reik saam ’n verklaring oor die verkiesing uit

Deur Danie Mouton Die voorsitters van die Algemene vergaderings van drie Afrikaanse kerke het ‘n gesamentlike verklaring oor die komende verkiesing uitgereik waarin burgers aangemoedig word om te stem. Hulle skryf onder meer: Verantwoordelike Christene mag nie die geleentheid om ‘n positiewe invloed op die regeerders van die land uit […]

Prophetic worship tour hits PE

Port Elizabeth Christians will enjoy the rare opportunity to attend a  two-day worship experience led by cutting edge prophetic worship duo Kamran  and Suzy Yaraei next week. Worship leader Suzy Wills Yaraei is at the forefront of prophetic worship and has been described by  Jesus Culture  worship leader Kim Walker-Smith […]