
GM withdraws TV ad campaign after complaint

General Motors (GM) Africa has decided to stop flighting two televsion advertisements after the Family Policy Institute (FPI) complained that they were “anti-family”. The “Red Tag Event” adverts were withdrawn following a discussion between GM Marketing Manager Melanie Maddux and FPI president Errol Naidoo this afternoon, GM Communications Manager Denise […]

Wat die kerk in PE oor onderwys sê

Deur Danie Mouton “Die onderwysbedeling in Suid-Afrika, en spesifiek die Oos-Kaap, moet gered word,” blyk uit die terugvoer van ’n wyd-verteenwoordigende konsultasie tussen predikante en pastore in Port Elizabeth. Die konsultasie word beskryf as die mees verteenwoordigende gesprek ooit in Port Elizabeth se geskiedenis.  Die hele geloofspektrum, van denominasionele kerke, […]

Chevrolet and Warriors shine at SA Sports Oscars

JOHANNESBURG – Chevrolet and the Chevrolet Warriors on Thursday night beat top national sport sponsorship campaigns to win the Best Sponsorship of a Sport Team or Individual category at the inaugural Virgin Active Sport Industry Awards 2011. Chevrolet and the Chevrolet Warriors were up against major national sponsorships including ABSA […]