
It has been getting a bit colder recently

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych.[/notice] It has been getting a bit colder recently.  The few deciduous trees that we have around here are shedding their golden leaves.  The season is changing.  Some people I know are not ready to wave goodbye to the glorious summer months.  I however, […]

Male Rape Part 4 — Causes and prevention

[notice]Male rape has, for a long time, been almost completely unacknowledged, rarely reported and often scorned. How, after all, can a man possibly be raped? In the final article in a 4-part series, DIANNE STEVEN considers root causes of rape and prevention measures.[/notice] Most people agree that rape and violence […]

Profetiese roeping van die Mighty Men beweging

Read in English [notice]Vir die afgelope 10 jaar het die Mighty Men beweging ‘n fenomenale impak op mans regdeur Suid-Afrika gehad.  Wat sê, doen en beplan God deur Mighty Men in hierdie land? Strategiese finansiële konsultant en voorheen lid van die Weskaap se parlement, HENNIE BESTER, openbaar die volgende visie. […]

Prophetic purpose of Mighty Men movement

Lees in Afrikaans [notice]For the past 10 years a phenomenon known as the Mighty Men movement has been impacting men throughout South Africa. What is God saying and doing and planning through His Mighty Men in South Africa at this time? Strategic financial consultant and former Western Cape parliamentarian, HENNIE […]