It is April 1 and so, what better time to ask some people what it means to them to be a fool for Christ. We will publish our respondents’ answers as we receive them. So keep checking for the latest replies. Meanwhile, we would love to hear your answer to […]
What is happening in the Middle East?
[notice]An analysis of the headline-grabbing developments in the Middle East, by Dr Peter Hammond, founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship and and an evangelist to Muslims and a Missionary to restricted access areas for over 29 years.[/notice] The tidal waves of protests and riots convulsing capitals throughout the Arab world […]
Faith, ecology and Shell
News Commentary, By Danie Mouton In recent weeks energy giant Shell has announced that it has plans to search for shale gas reserves in a vast area of the Karoo. A sizeable part of the Eastern Cape is included in the target area. The exploration clearly poses a potential serious […]
The Church – a city that cannot be hidden
By Afrika Mhlope Jesus is the light. Most of us of a Christian persuasion do not question this. We follow Him because He does not only point the way but He is the way. If you met Him today and asked Him for the way, guess what? He will point […]