Originally published in Lifestite News Brazilian psychologists are seeking to revoke the license of a therapist for publicly affirming her Christian beliefs on her online blog and twitter accounts, an action that the organization claims violates its code of ethics. Marisa Lobo, a psychologist and Evangelical who has published several […]
Obamacare makes Christians complicit in abortion
Originally published in Charisma News The United States Supreme Court voted to uphold the individual insurance requirement of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), maintains that Obamacare is fundamentally flawed legislation because it makes American taxpayers complicit in the deaths […]
Major study shows children need love from fathers as much as mothers
Originally published in Christian Concern A major study has confirmed that the absence of a father figure can be damaging to a child’s life, and that the love of a father is equally important to the emotional well-being of children as that of a mother. The study, which reviewed 36 […]
Getuigskrif van genade en genesing
[notice]KENNY SMAL, prokureur van Alberton het gedurende 2009, op 47 jarige ouderdom, voor die deur van die dood gestaan as gevolg van gervorderede serose van die lewer veroorsaak deur drankmisbruik. Medici het hom slegs ‘n paar weke gegun om te lewe. Tydens sy hospitalisasie en behandeling aanvaar hy Jesus as […]
Blood unit setback just another battle to be won says healed health campaigner
News that the Eastern Cape’s new, state of the art, haematology unit cannot open because there is no money to pay staff, is just another phase in a battle that started for Reverend Nicolette Leonard in 2008 when she was told that she had a rare blood disease. It was […]
Weight control measure in your kitchen?
God’s creation abounds with natural remedies and it seems that black pepper may have some health benefits of note. Researchers have found evidence of a link between black pepper and fat cells, reports Huffington Post. ‘Piperine’ gives black pepper its characteristic taste and it’s this substance that a new study […]
Dagga is a danger to health; don’t legalise it — Doctors For Life
[notice]An article by writer and political activist Dale McKinley, proposing that cannabis (dagga) offers health benefits and should be legalised has been published in some South African newspapers recently. Dr Albu van Eeden, CEO of Doctors For Life International, a Christian-based organisation, has responded to McKinley’s proposals, with a press […]
Total Transformation — shaping up to your best version with God’s help
Looking at the vivacious, lovely, fit Teresa Van Zyl today, it’s hard to imagine that she was once 47kg overweight and deeply unhappy. Teresa now exudes confidence, unlike her former obese self, which she just tried to hide away under clothes. Teresa had a powerful encounter with God two years […]
74 521 abortions in SA in 2011
There were 74 521 abortions recorded in South Africa last year, the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, says in a written reply to a question from African Christian Democratic Party MP Cheryllyn Dudley, who asked for the latest available statistics on abortions performed in each province. In reply Motsaledi […]
WHA told maternal mortality not improved by legalizing abortion
Originally published in Lifesite News Attendees of a global health conference in Geneva, Switzerland were given information today showing legalizing abortion does nothing to improve maternal mortality for women living in developing nations that lack access to improved medical care — which is the best method of reducing such rates. […]