
MultiChoice fined for age restriction error

The Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA) has fined MultiChoice R20 000 for inadvertently displaying a PG13 rating on its electronic programme guide (EPG) for a film that was in fact rated 18LV. A BCCSA tribunal upheld the complaints of two viewers, Debbie Hubbard and Bonnie Warburton, that MultiChoice’s […]

The public proclamation of truth sets nations free!

Government and private sector corruption appears to be the greatest threats facing South Africa’s future growth and prosperity. A battle is raging between the individuals tasked with exposing and investigating government corruption and the shady characters perpetrating these evil deeds. Shortly after the news broke of the imminent arrest of […]

The People Vs e.tv (Phase 2)

Despite assurances to their advertisers that “Naked News” contradicted the channels “high family values,” e.tv again broadcasted the appallingly sexist strip show on Saturday 2 July at 1:10am. The channel of “high family values” also aired several pornographic SMS adverts that have proven to be harmful to children. Many reports […]


2017 SEPTEMBER 1 – 2 – Company of Prophets SA Conference at Hatfield Church Pretoria AUGUST Tues 1 – Marks meeting 11am Bonamia Tues 8 — Zuma no confidence debate Thur 10 -Bloem – launch of Mighty Families – Arno van Niekerk (First event in April 2018) JULY Wed 19 […]

The two faces of e.tv

The negative publicity generated by the anti-porn mass boycott of  e.tv is beginning to take effect. Apparently, advertisers are also concerned about the channel’s anti-family programming schedule. Alarmingly, e-tv has revealed two conflicting and very deceptively different faces in their response to this issue – one to the Christian complainants […]

Roepman, die fliek

Movie review deur Danie Mouton ROEPMAN – Film met Paul Eilers as regisseur en gegrond op Jan van Tonder se gelyknamige boek. Wat ’n wonderlike ervaring om ’n Afrikaanse fliek van Roepman se gehalte op die wye doek te sien.  Dit is ’n fliek wat mens diep laat dink. Die […]