Glorious unity of the Spirit evident in KMMC 2014

The organising committee of the Karoo Mighty Men Conference 2014 on stage last weekend.
The organising committee of the Karoo Mighty Men Conference 2014 on stage last weekend.

The glory of the Lord was revealed both materially and in spirit during the Karoo Mighty Men Conference 2014 (KMMC) last weekend.

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From the sunsets that coloured the skies in brilliant hues of blue, gold, pink, and gunmetal grey, to the souls saved, relationships restored, perfectly-timed encounters, and flawlessly arranged progression of messages delivered by speakers who had no idea of the content or topic of each other’s teachings; the work of God was evident.

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Johnny Louw, who spoke at KMMC on Saturday night and has attended all the Mighty Men Conferences throughout South Africa, says KMMC 2014 was a special event.

“I have spoken to many men since the end of the conference and many of them call it the best yet.

“There was a combination of the organising committee, speakers, worship leaders and volunteers that God put forward, which worked in a special way.

“The speakers and worship leaders know each other in a brotherhood-in-Christ relationship in which there is a unity that the Lord commanded a blessing through.

Jannie Moolman (event coordinator of the KMMC 2014) introduces the speakers and worship leaders, (from left) Leon Schoeman, Afrika Mhlophe, Johnny Louw, Dewald Gouws, Joe Niemand and Retief Burger.
Jannie Moolman (event coordinator of the KMMC 2014) introduces the speakers and worship leaders, (from left) Leon Schoeman, Afrika Mhlophe, Johnny Louw, Dewald Gouws, Joe Niemand and Retief Burger.

“I want to congratulate the organising committee for the excellence in which KMMC 2014 was prepared, controlled and structured, which set the stage for the speakers and worship leaders to be able to communicate being led by the Holy Spirit.

“It was a spirit-filled conference. Bless the Lord and all the glory to Him,” says Louw.

Retief Burger says this year’s KMMC was an incredible experience.

“As worship leader I’ve seen so much growth in the men over the years. The worship has been much deeper and the praise much louder! 

“The organising committee was brilliant and the programme flowed smoothly. 

“We had God-encountering moments and many radical conversions. I’m thankful to be part of this amazing event,” says Burger. 

Jannie Moolman, event co-ordinator, says the organising committee agrees that this year’s conference was anointed with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

“The entire conference flowed and went according to plan without any hiccups.

“We felt the hand of God at work, it was very special even as far as the weather was concerned, with rain letting-up on Thursday and magnificent conditions throughout the rest of the weekend.

“At the post-conference organising committee meeting there were many tears of gratitude and few members had the words to adequately express our appreciation to the Lord.”

Moolman says KMMC 2014 was marked by a strong sense of unity and focus among both speakers and worship leaders.

“The fact that the programme was less busy and centred exclusively around the four speakers’ sessions also helped concentrate attention on the presentation of God’s word.”

Pastor Eldin Rudolph from the Celebration Centre in Port Alfred says one of the biggest blessings for him was seeing the sunsets and beauty of the Karoo, as well as being able to sit out under the night stars praising God and seeing grown men’s lives change as they received Jesus Christ as their saviour, dismissing bitterness and resentment from their lives.

“We had wonderful opportunities for fellowship. We sat around the fire with neighbouring campers singing songs accompanied by men playing guitars until two-o’-clock in the morning.

“It was also heartening, as one walked through the campsite, to experience and see the commitment of people praying in groups and sincerely seeking God’s face ,” says Rudolph.

Pastor Stef Davi, of the Full Gospel Church in East London says for him the most enjoyable aspect of KMMC was the fellowship and the way the Spirit of God brought him fresh revelations of old teachings through people at the conference.

“Preparing meals and eating together, and chatting together provided a rich time of connecting – a time that we wouldn’t normally have at church – especially since we arrived a day early on the Thursday, which allowed us to have a relaxed time enjoying each other’s company.

“Our group really was blessed by KMMC 2014,” says Davi. 

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