Other News

Not in God’s name!

[notice]Should Christians lighten up about the”humourous” use of God’s name in advertisements such as the recent controversial Red Bull TV ad? Pastor Afrika Mhlophe writes about the weightiness of the name that is above every other name.[/notice] On mount Sinai God gave the patriarch Moses commandments that were meant to […]

Bethel outreach team in PE

Hot on the heels of the Jesus Culture worship event in Port Elizabeth on March 7  a team from the church which birthed Jesus Culture’s music is leading six days of outreach in the city. The outreach team from Bethel Church (in Redding, California) kick off their programme tomorrow evening […]

Christians targeted in Sudan ethnic cleansing

.By Simba Tian – Compass Direct News JUBA, South Sudan – The “ethnic cleansing” that Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has undertaken against black Africans in the Nuba Mountains is also aimed at ridding the area of Christianity, according to humanitarian workers. By targeting Christians among people who are also adherents […]

Mogoeng was right to invite judges to leadership seminar; should have invited Zuma too — ACDP

Recent allegations that Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng sought to impose his religious beliefs on judges by inviting them to a seminar addressed by leadership expert John Maxwell were disingenuous, African Christian Democratic President Kenneth Meshoe said in a press statement today. “The latest attacks on Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng are […]

Week of outreach on NMMU campuses

[notice]Candace Moodley, one of the leaders of a week of student outreach in Port Elizabeth reports on the campaign.[/notice] On Monday, March 12, Operation Mobilisation joined hands with CAPRO Missions on a weeklong venture to reach out to students at the four campuses (North, South, Second Avenue and Missionvale) of […]