Other News

US football star puts John 3:16 on page 1

By Mark Hensch – Originally published in Christian Post Talk of God is back on page one of the sports section and beyond thanks to evangelist quarterback Tim Tebow’s orchestration of yet another miraculous finish, this time in the Denver Broncos’ playoff win over the Pittsburgh Steelers Sunday. The unashamed-of-the-Gospel […]

ANC: 100 and not out…yet!

[notice]As the African National Congress celebrated its centenary this week, PE pastor Afrika Mhlophe reflects on its Christian heritage and its historical service to SA. But he laments that today’s ANC leaders are unprincipled, bent on self enrichment and populist. [/notice] The founding of the African National Congress on January […]

Making disciples, not converts

    [notice]In a message to Christ followers in South Africa, PE pastor Afrika Mhlophe asks whether we are producing faithful church members or disciples of Jesus. [/notice] It is often said that the continent of Africa is over evangelized but under discipled. The focal point of the Great Commission […]