Originally published in Dawn.Com World KABUL: The Afghan government said on Monday that police had rescued 41 children from becoming suicide bombers as they were about to be smuggled across the mountains into Pakistan. Interior ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqqi told a news conference that the children aged six to 11 […]
Other News
Christian author wins ‘Best Romance’ at Los Angeles book festival
Originally published in Christian Newswire Entertainment HOLLYWOOD — When the inspirational historical novel, The Promise of Deer Run, was honored as the Best Romance in the 2012 Los Angeles Book Festival, author Elaine Marie Cooper knew Who to thank. “I want to thank my Savior in heaven Who has given […]
Egypt: Priest sentenced to six months for his church’s “excess height”
Originally published in Worthy News CAIRO, EGYPT — A court in Edfu sentenced the pastor of St. George’s Church to six months in prison and a fine of 300 pounds for violations pertaining to the height of his church. Reverend Makarios Bolous is not even allowed to enter the village […]
Why ICASA turned down TopTV’s porn plans
Women’s rights to equality and dignity are more important than TopTV’s rights to freedom of expression, or viewers’ rights to watch pornography at home, says the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) in a long-awaited explanation of its decision to block the broadcaster’s plans to launch three porn channels. In […]
Women’s programme parallel to Karoo Mighty Men
There will be an opportunity for women to deepen their relationship with the Lord while their husbands are worshipping Him at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC) 2012. Middelburg’s “Vroue Sonder Grense” (Women Without Borders) are a hosting a breakfast conference with popular speaker and bible-school lecturer Edith Baartman on […]
Waiting for Mr Right
[notice]A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych.[/notice] Over the past year, I have had the joy of journeying with two of my best friends as they met and fell in love with their husbands. This past weekend I attended one of their weddings where I was privileged enough to serve as […]
PE Christians respond to township shack fire victims
Nelson Mandela Bay Christians have provided relief aid to approximately 40 residents of Gqebera (Walmer Township) who suffered a devastating loss when their shacks were burnt down in a fire on February 26 while many of them were attending church services.. Two Gqebera churches responded immediately, by housing the victims […]
Angus Buchan’s Ordinary People sneak preview in Joburg, Cape Town
In anticipation of the release of Angus Buchan’s Ordinary People on April 5, 2012, Ster Kinekor Entertainment has opened ticket bookings to the public for two “sneak-previews” of the film. Capetonians can catch all the action at N1 City on Wednesday March 14 March at 8pm, while Joburg film lovers […]
Take back our schools!
God drew my attention to the challenges facing education when I addressed the Assembly at Plettenberg Bay Christian School recently. Christian education is desperately lacking in SA. Despite Christian schools providing excellent Bible-based education, many of them are struggling to survive. Apparently, Christian parents prefer to place their children in […]
Key role for churches in school governing body elections — educationist
Churches can make a vital contribution to education by encouraging Christian parents to participate in the current school governing body (SGB) elections, says veteran educationist Dr Johann McFarlane. “But they must act today”, he says. If they do not move quickly they will miss a unique window of opportunity to […]