Other News

Evangelicals and the gay moral revolution

[notice]By Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary — the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest seminaries in the world. — Originally published in the Wall Street Journal [/notice] The Christian church has faced no shortage of challenges in […]

NG Sinode veroordeel seksuele uitbuiting van vroue en kinders

Me Elize Morkel, ’n ervare sielkundige, het onlangs tydens die Wes-en-Suid-Kaapse sinodesitting ’n aanbieding oor diversiteit en geslagsgelykheid gehou. Die Sinode het in Mei 2011 by Goudini vergader.  Me Morkel het die gesprek ingelei met stawende statistiek en die nodige agtergrond oor die verwoestende effek van pornografie, en die gevolge […]

The public proclamation of truth sets nations free!

Government and private sector corruption appears to be the greatest threats facing South Africa’s future growth and prosperity. A battle is raging between the individuals tasked with exposing and investigating government corruption and the shady characters perpetrating these evil deeds. Shortly after the news broke of the imminent arrest of […]

South Sudan becomes independent nation

Originally published in CBN News The Republic of South Sudan will join the community of nations tomorrow (Saturday. July 9). After the military celebrations and parades, the South will have to face up to the realities it faces. It will be one of the most underdeveloped countries on the planet. […]