Other News

Nuus van Oos-Kaap sendelinge in Japan

[notice ]Hieride berig is van ‘n spesiale uitgawe van die Oos-Kaapse NG Kerk nuusbrief, Grens-Pos, oor die verskriklike aardbewing, voortgaande na-skokke, die tsunami en ontplooiende kernkragkrisis in Japan. [notice] Deur Danie Mouton Drie gesinne met noue Oos-Kaapse bande werk as sendelinge in Japan. Stephan en Keiko Smithdorff, met hul gesin, […]


A 2010 Pew Opinion Survey and University of Maryland/World Opinion.org survey have found that 84% of Egyptians favour the death penalty for “apostates” (those who choose to leave Islam) – Dr Peter Hammond, in article “What is happening in the Middle East?”

Marching on!

Dear friend March is indeed marching on. And so is Gateway News. This week we published our first story from East London — the first of many to come: East London Christians take a stand on abortion. We also posted an expert article on a question that is on many […]

What is happening in the Middle East?

[notice]An analysis of the headline-grabbing developments in the Middle East, by Dr Peter Hammond, founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship and and an evangelist to Muslims and a Missionary to restricted access areas for over 29 years.[/notice] The tidal waves of protests and riots convulsing capitals throughout the Arab world […]

Basics need to be in place

[notice]In Part 1 of a series of articles that review the economic growth needs of the Nelson Mandela Metro, freelance business writer and researcher Ed Richardson (right) identifies four basic needs.[/notice] There will be no meaningful economic growth in the Nelson Mandela Metro until we address four basic needs – […]