Other News

Schoolgirl admitted to ICU a warning of what to expect if dagga legalised — Doctors For Life

The recent incident where a female learner from Siyaphambili High School in Orange Farm, Johannesburg, ended up in the ICU after accidentally purchasing and ingesting Cannabis (dagga) muffins at school, poses a grave warning to what South Africans can expect if the decriminalisation or legalisation of Cannabis is allowed, says […]

Fulani family of six come to Christ through direct act of God

Six members of a family belonging to the Fulani tribe — a predominantly Muslim, nomadic, cattle-herding people frequently in the news over violent conflicts with farmers — recently became Christians after Jesus revealed himself directly to them in a village in Nigeria’s middle-belt Plateau state. This was disclosed to Gateway […]

Church moving resolutely to forefront of struggle against corruption, state capture

Two years ago there were hardly any church leaders speaking out against corruption in government but this week church leaders were at the forefront of marches against corruption throughout the country, ahead of Tuesday’s no-confidence vote which President Jacob Zuma survived by a narrow margin. Nowhere was this remarkable shift […]