Other News

Ireland proposes limited access to abortion amid heated debate

Originally published in Charisma News Irish government ministers agreed to draft legislation on Tuesday to allow for limited access to abortion where a woman’s life is in danger, including the threat of suicide, a proposal that has already divided the country’s ruling coalition. Ireland’s two-decade-old debate over how the government […]

Look me in the eyes!

[notice]Musings around children’s ministry. Reflections on week 3 of 10 weeks teaching stint.[/notice] This week I’ve had to battle the temptation to mindlessly fall into the rhythm of school life and just survive. The work is overwhelming and the ground we lost due to last week’s strike has set us […]

Powerful solutions for the world’s problems….on God’s terms

[notice]By ANNA-MARIA LOMBARD — originally published in www.scratchpages.co.za[/notice] It could be you…or the unassuming guy sitting next to you in church…in fact God can download solutions for the world’s problems to anyone who’s ready to lay down their lives to implement His plans. In the case of the thorny problem of cable theft […]