The curtains are opening once again for the highly successful Love Bombs Film Festival. In early August three locally produced short films premiered to a sold out crowd of 1300 movie goers, over 8 days, at the Labia on Orange, Cape Town. Canteen owner Harold said, “This is the busiest […]
Other News
Documentary on human trafficking in Nigeria enters new phase
The documentary Another Side of Life that looks into the evil of human trafficking in Benin City, Nigeria is entering a new phase of awareness creation says director Shane Vermooten. The first step was the premier at the Labia Theatre, Cape Town on August 17. The film is currently being […]
Abiding is key to PE worship event
[notice]Gareth Hogg shares his vision for a citywide worship and prayer event, ABIDE: SUN STAND STILL in Port Elizabeth on Saturday, September 15.[/notice] After the SUN STAND STILL Worship & Prayer Event hosted at Harvest on 14 April 2012, I began asking God, “What’s Next?” The word I got was […]
Pro-life activists continue sticker campaign despite prosecution warning
Christian pro-life activists in Cape Town say they will continue to place stickers over illegal abortion advertisements despite a warning by the City that they should stop or face prosecution. The City has taken a rigid stance that is “sad and negative for the well-being of our nation, but it […]
Please edit-undo what I just said!
[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych[/notice]I spend a lot of time working on a computer. When I make a mistake, I use the edit – undo function. This is a wonderful tool, you probably know it too. Control – Z and your errors disappear before your eyes. Sometimes, I […]
In search of our common heritage
I hope you are patriotic enough to know that the month of September is a Heritage Month in South Africa. This is the time of the year when we should pause and reflect on our rich and diverse heritage with planned festivities leading to the official heritage day, which is […]
Heerskappy van dakke af besing
Die interkerklike band lei die skares in aanbidding. WOORD oor ‘n stad, aanbidding van ‘n lewende God en intense gebed. Dit kan amper die 11de Rose City Praise and Worship wat Dinsdagaand (September 4) op die dak van Mimosa Mall in Bloemfontein gehou is opsom. Ten spyte van ‘n verskuiwing […]
Stage set for KZN Mighty Men
The stage is being set for the KwaZulu-Natal Mighty Men Conference from October 26 to October 28. “After much prayer we have now started building a permanent stage which we will start using for the 2012 event,” says Pieter le Grange who will once again be hosting the MMC KZN […]
Youth group calls on Christians to wake up, unite against Lady Gaga tour plans
Online petition campaign launched A grassroots youth movement, Concerned Young People of South Africa (CYPSA) has launched a petition campaign opposing the planned Lady Gaga concert tour in November and December. The main aim of the petition is to make the Film and Publications Control Board of SA aware of […]
Legislation responsible for 31% increase in abortions, teen pregnancies
Studies support abstinence education Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi released the statistics — a total of 77 771 legal abortions were performed in South Africa in 2011, a 31 per cent increase since 2010! In 2010, the Health Department said, 59 447 abortions were carried out! Although the new statistics illustrate […]