Other News

Obamacare makes Christians complicit in abortion

Originally published in Charisma News The United States Supreme Court voted to uphold the individual insurance requirement of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), maintains that Obamacare is fundamentally flawed legislation because it makes American taxpayers complicit in the deaths […]

Sudanese authorities demolish two church buildings

By Compass Direct News JUBA, South Sudan — Athorities in Khartoum demolished two church buildings last week, days after confiscating three Catholic schools, sources told Compass. Officials from the Ministry of Planning and Housing of the local government authority on June 18 sent bulldozers that destroyed a church building belonging […]

Drawing for Jesus

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych[/notice] When last did you draw a picture for Jesus? I enjoy painting and drawing so I recently signed up for an art class and attended the first session this week. The last time that I did anything of the sort was while living […]

HEAD OF SCHOOL: Pre School to Grade 12

25 June 2012 The Harvest Christian School Board invites applications for the following position: PREFERRED COMMENCEMENT DATE: JANUARY 1, 2013 The post requires a Christian post graduate who has proven experience in the leadership and management of (1) a High School or (2) a school with both Primary & High […]