Wat die kerk in PE oor onderwys sê

Deur Danie Mouton

“Die onderwysbedeling in Suid-Afrika, en spesifiek die Oos-Kaap, moet gered word,” blyk uit die terugvoer van ’n wyd-verteenwoordigende konsultasie tussen predikante en pastore in Port Elizabeth.

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Die konsultasie word beskryf as die mees verteenwoordigende gesprek ooit in Port Elizabeth se geskiedenis.  Die hele geloofspektrum, van denominasionele kerke, verby charismatiese en pentakostalistiese groepe tot Afrika-onafhanklike kerke was verteenwoordig.

Onder die opskrif Redeeming education sê die konsultasie die volgende:

  • The Department of Education, schools, teachers and parents are important partners for the church in bringing hope and healing to the educational system.
  • Government officials must be held accountable for funding and managing a healthy system.
  • Educators needs to be encouraged and supported to work diligently.
  • Learners must be taught to use their opportunities fruitfully.
  • Teacher-burnout, the lack of learner-discipline, and child- and single parent-headed households are real causes of concern.
  • Churches play a role in supporting schools by helping to provide
    • life skill programmes for students,
    • value-driven education,
    • safety and security,
    • organisation of community involvement, and
    • opportunities to adopt schools in order to give relevant support (e.g. feeding programs and provisions of clothing).
  • The church needs to regain its strong historical involvement in education.
  • Guidelines for community involvement with schools need to be developed.

Lees gerus ook op watter wyses gemeentes skole kan ondersteun.  ’n Aankondiging oor regrukplanne vir die Oos-Kaapse onderwysstelsel deur me. Angie Motshekga, minister van basiese onderwys, word vandag verwag.

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One Comment

  1. Hierdie berig het my, as onderwyser, so bemoedig.

    May the church truly regain its strong historical involvement in education!

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