Lost Highway, a unique Christian multi media show combining an inspiring movie, an accomplished 8-piece band playing music by Daughtry, Bon Jovi, Toto to mention a few, opened in Port Elizabeth this week. The show, which runs at the Stanley Street Theatre, Richmond Hill, from Thursday Septemeber 28 to Saturday […]
Eastern Cape
Army and police marching for Jesus in PE
The army and police will be out in full force on the streets of Port Elizabeth on Friday, October 21 in a joint 10km “Walk for Jesus” prayer march and gospel outreach. The march through the streets of Forest Hill, Summerstrand and Humewood, will start and end at the Forest […]
Mannekamp offers men opportunity for refreshing, renewal
“Mannekamp” is a place where men can be real with themselves, with each other and with God, says Port Elizabeth businessman David Naude, who started the annual men’s camp at Van Stadens River Mouth in 2009 after attending a Mighty Men’s Conference (MMC) in KwaZulu Natal that year. The third […]
PE school testifies to power of prayer days for matrics
[notice]NMB Metro Prayer Day organisers encouraged by testimony of local school[/notice] A Port Elizabeth school’s matric pass rate improved from 57% to 73% after its Grade 12 learners participated in a community prayer day event in 2008. The school also enjoyed valuable educational and business spinoffs arising from the prayer […]
NMB Metro Prayer Day steps up a gear
Planning for the historic Metro Prayer Day in the 48 000-capacity Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium stepped up a gear this week as organisers confirmed that the event will start at 2pm on Saturday, October 22. As the NMB Metro Prayer Day campaign gathers momentum, a mighty mushroom cloud of prayer […]
Homeless need to be heard, says shelter administrator
Sometimes it takes an effort to listen to the stories of the destitute people who take refuge from the streets in the Metro Evangelical Services (MES) shelter in Korsten, Port Elizabeth, says administrator Ian Landman. But every one of the homeless people who ends up in this shelter for any […]
Mrs PE winners ready for year of community upliftment
Prayer and perseverance were key factors in Chantellé Ferreira’s successful campaign to win the crown in the Kingfisher FM Mrs Port Elizabeth 2011 competition. She said she prayed to God for guidance throughout the 2011 pageant, as she had in 2007 when she came second in the beauty pageant-with-a-difference which […]
Vibrant Northern Arts Festival kicks off on September 22
Port Elizabeth’s vibrant Northern Arts Festival which will be held from Thursday September 22 to Sunday September 25 once again invites the people of the Eastern Cape to come and experience its unique blend of arts, culture and community development. This will be the 5th successive staging of the annual […]
Church in PE supports police call for big stadium prayer day
Nelson Mandela Bay church leaders representing major denominations and independent churches throughout the metropole yesterday backed a police initiative to call Christians to a historic mass prayer event at the 48 000-capacity Nelson Mandela Stadium on Saturday October 22. There was a tangible sense of expectancy at yesterday’s meeting at […]
Finnish man arranges inner healing, deliverance seminar to bless PE
A young Finnish man who experienced a breakthrough in his Christian life through an inner healing and deliverance seminar in Finland has arranged a similar seminar in Port Elizabeth. Tapio Siren, 29, who began a one year internship at Fountain Vineyard Church in PE in January has invited internationally recognised […]