
Lars Enarson talk on Israel, Middle East

Port Elizabeth Christians who are interested in Israel and Middle East developments are invited to attend a talk on Saturday (March 3) by author and speaker Lars Enarson. Enarson was called from his homeland of Sweden to Israel where he established The Watchman International and an international prayer network for […]

Christians praying for Mandela’s recovery

Originally published in Christian Today Christians are praying for former South African President Nelson Mandela as he recovers at home following surgery for an abdominal complaint. The 93-year-old was discharged from hospital on Sunday following an overnight stay to uncover the cause of the discomfort. Officials said Mandela was resting […]

Budget response: praise for fiscal discipline, concern about project implementation

[notice]Mike Pothier, research coordinator of the Parliamentary Liaision Office (CPLO) of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference, responds to today’s budget speech.[/notice]When we consider the mismanagement and incompetence that have led to today’s crisis in the Eurozone, with countries like Greece and Ireland on the brink of economic meltdown, and […]

Youcef Nadarkhani — execution order fears

Originally published in INcontext Ministries The American Center for Law and Justice, focusing on constitutional and international law, said today it has received information that Iran may have issued an execution order for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who was sentenced to death because he refused to recant his Christian faith. The […]