[notice]Join us on a monthly “In The Garden Of Resurrection” journey towards a unique Christian prophetic art exhibition around the glorious theme of Christ’s resurrection. [/notice] What must that journey have been like for Mary as she walked to the disciples burning with the message that Jesus was alive, with […]
Other News
More than 5 000 attend “historic” Cape taxi rank peace service
More than 5 000 people attended a prayer meeting at Nyanga Taxi Rank, Cape Town yesterday (March 4) at an event which the Minister of Transport and Public Works in the Western Cape, Robin Carlisle, described as “an historic occasion in the public transport sector”. The prayer meeting was the […]
Nuwe Paasfees lied word vrygestel deur gospel kunstenaar, Adriaan
‘n Nuwe lied, BY DIE KRUIS, word betyds vir Paasfees vrygestel deur die gospel kunstenaar, Adriaan. Brettian Productions Platemaatskappy het vir Gateway News ‘n voorsmaakie van Adriaan se vollengte album gestuur. Die album, Sterre Diamant, sal in Mei 2012 op die rakke verskyn. Die lied is vars en eerlik en […]
The making of Malema
[notice]Pastor Afrika Mhlophe says public figures like expelled ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema are products of a corrupt, worldly system. ‘Can anything be done about it?’ he poses.[/notice]We held our breath and now we can afford to breathe a collective sigh of relief. There are two things that have […]
Two more rhino killed. Do we care?
[notice]Tourism professional Craig Duffield reports on the alarming slaughter of rhinos in South Africa by poachers, and asks whether we as Christians should care about this onslaught that threatens the survival of this species.[/notice] According to Kruger National Park spokesman, William Mabasa, people in a safari vehicle found the carcasses […]
Killing babies no different from abortion, “experts” say
Originally published in The Telegraph Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued. The article, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, says […]
US Congress condemns Iran for sentencing Christian pastor to death
Originally published in FoxNews.com Congress unanimously approved a new resolution condemning the Iranian government for sentencing to death a Christian pastor accused of renouncing Islam. Youcef Nadarkhani’s sentence has been affirmed at the highest levels of Iran’s legal system and could be carried out at anytime, according to his supporters. […]
Maritzburg mission preparations gathering momentum
Preparations for the citywide ‘Choose-Zikhethele’ mission in Pietermaritzburg in August are gathering momentum as mission committees prepare the ground for the event which will mark 50 years of ministry by African Enterprise (AE) on the African continent. With Pietermaritzburg being known as ‘The City of Choice’ the steering committee feels […]
MMC Limpopo ready for men to arrive next week
Preparations for the MMC Limpopo, also known as the Bushveld MMC — including the building of a large, permanent stage — are expected to be completed tomorrow (Friday, March 2), in time for the arrival of thousands of men next week. “Sometimes it felt like we would never finish in […]
[notice]Gareth Hogg, media and communication liaison at Harvest Christian Church Port Elizabeth writes about an exciting, new, citywide worship and prayer event intended to stir audacious faith.[/notice] On Saturday, April 14, at 7pm, Harvest Christian Church will be hosting a SUN STAND STILL multimedia Worship & Prayer Event to stir […]