Other News

Lady Grey Passiespel weer vanjaar aangebied

Die Lady Grey Passiespel, n jaarlikse produksie, wat Jesus Christus se geboorte, lewe, leiding, kruisdood, opstanding en Hemelvaart uitbeeld, word hierdie jaar vir tiende agtereenvolgende jaar aangebied. Hierdie gesamentlike projek van die Lady Grey Kunste-Akademie, die NG-gemeente en die groter gemeenskap van Lady Grey het ten doel het om die […]

Drie Afrikaanse kerke reik saam ’n verklaring oor die verkiesing uit

Deur Danie Mouton Die voorsitters van die Algemene vergaderings van drie Afrikaanse kerke het ‘n gesamentlike verklaring oor die komende verkiesing uitgereik waarin burgers aangemoedig word om te stem. Hulle skryf onder meer: Verantwoordelike Christene mag nie die geleentheid om ‘n positiewe invloed op die regeerders van die land uit […]

Amazing KJV turns 400 and is still a best-seller!

[notice]Celebration of the book that changed the way people worshipped by bringing God’s word to the masses; and which changed and enriched the English language[/notice] The world’s best-selling and most influential book of all time is 400 years old this year and events have started in South Africa and throughout […]

Faith in action for education

It seems that there is much faith in Nelson Mandela Bay for giving disadvantaged youngsters a headstart in education. This week we report on a township school that was started in faith before a classroom was available and the generous donors who are supporting this worthy project. Three weeks ago […]

Prophetic worship tour hits PE

Port Elizabeth Christians will enjoy the rare opportunity to attend a  two-day worship experience led by cutting edge prophetic worship duo Kamran  and Suzy Yaraei next week. Worship leader Suzy Wills Yaraei is at the forefront of prophetic worship and has been described by  Jesus Culture  worship leader Kim Walker-Smith […]

Honeymoon blessing exceeds expectations

John and Kathy Klopper, whose wedding story touched the hearts of Gateway News readers, are feeling truly blessed after their recent wonderful sponsored honeymoon weekend at Port St Francis. “It was glorious! Now I feel properly married,” said Kathy after their luxury getaway, that included a stay in the Port […]