Other News

Nabeel Qureshi reveals heart-breaking update about his terminal cancer

Originally published by Christian Today Celebrated Christian apologist and speaker Nabeel Qureshi revealed he has terminal cancer with doctors giving him an almost zero per cent chance of survival. The Pakistani-American who converted from Islam before becoming an outspoken evangelist and bestselling writer asked for prayer as his latest round of […]

Competitive greatness in sport and God’s Kingdom — Cobus Kruger

A monthly Christian sport column by Cobus Kruger, a professional triathlete who is passionate about evangelism, leadership and community development through sport. A lot of coaches would agree with me that one of the characteristics that any top sportsman or woman needs is competitive greatness. So what is competitive greatness? […]

ACDP condemns deceitful UNESCO resolution that calls Israel’s presence in Jerusalem “illegal”

The ACDP strongly condemns and denounces the UNESCO resolution that calls Israel’s presence in Jerusalem “illegal”, the party says in a press release today. Despite mentioning the importance of Jerusalem to three monotheistic religions, the resolution ignores Jewish and Christian religious and historical ties to the city of Jerusalem. The […]