Other News

The simplicity of life

[notice]A monthly column by farmer, preacher and writer  for Jesus, Angus Buchan[/notice] People are looking for the simplicity of life.   They want the truth and they want it undiluted.  Jesus said in John 17:17 “Sanctify them by Your truth.  Your word is truth“. I used to be amazed at how […]

New Egypt constitution nudges Christian hope

Originally published in Baptist Press Egyptian voters have approved a new constitution, leaving Christians a bit more hopeful, though it does not secure basic rights for religious minorities. One Egyptian Christian leader said the difference in attitudes he observed as he waited in line to vote was “a great tendency […]

If my people, who are called by My name, will pray…

“Watchmen on the Wall” visited several prominent Christian leaders in South Africa recently and asked them about their hopes and expectations for the New Year. I also canvassed their views about the upcoming General Elections. Although the leaders come from different backgrounds, their perspectives on 2014 were remarkably similar. This […]