Other News

Perfect day for a picnic

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych.[/notice] Have you ever planned something for a particular day and hoped that the weather would be perfect when the designated day arrived? Perhaps you planned a picnic, a braai or an outdoor excursion, and when you woke up on the day of the […]

Enter the dragon!

[notice]Musings around children’s ministry. Reflections on week 4 of 10 weeks teaching stint.[/notice] Have you ever volunteered to help someone and then just as promptly wished you’d kept your mouth shut? One of the staff members has been off sick for more than two weeks now, and during this assessment […]

Weeks after gay ‘marriage’ passes, NZ family group stripped of charitable status

Originally published in Lifesite News Three weeks after the passage of homosexual ‘marriage’ in New Zealand, a pro-family group has been stripped of charitable status. Family First New Zealand, a charity which speaks up for families, and holds a traditional view of marriage and family, have received notice from the […]

Are Christians being gagged?

[notice]In this week’s Righteous Rant  DIANNE STEVEN sounds an alarm about a sinister force that she believes is attempting to eradicate the Christian worldview from the public arena in South Africa. Gateway News invites you to email your rant to news@gatewaynews.co.za for possible publication in this occasional column where readers get […]