Originally published by For Sa Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 15), the Christian owners of “House of Bread” guesthouse in Wolseley will be meeting with the homosexual couple who took them to Court for unfair discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation last year, in an endeavour to mediate the dispute. (For […]
Tag: religious freedom
Hands off Good Friday and Christmas! Act now
In Gateway News earlier this year, I wrote of the recent proposal by the South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC) to remove Good Friday and Christmas as public holidays on the SA calendar. According to the SALRC, to have the two main Christian holidays as paid public holidays, amounts to […]
Jesus triumphed at the cross! Why don’t we?!
The Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday (holy)days observed this past weekend again focussed the world’s attention on mankind’s greatest triumph – Christ victory over sin, death and the grave! Jesus Christ, the Son of God, defeated sin and death at the Cross – and by so doing – overcame the world. […]
The price of freedom
This weekend, Christians around the world will celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who paid for our freedom (from eternal condemnation) not with gold or silver but with His precious blood. Our freedom cost Jesus everything and it (our freedom as believers to serve Jesus) will cost us […]
Indiana’s Religious Freedom Act — Why all the mayhem?
The US state of Indiana recently enacted a Freedom of Religion Act that has come under severe liberal fire. The media has not exactly been forthcoming on the facts of Indiana’s new “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” (RFRA) and this has triggered a knee-jerk reaction from portions of the public. So […]
When freedom of religion is not so free after all
Free to believe but not free to act! In South Africa, as around the Western world, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Christians to live out their faith. Sure, you can have religious convictions and beliefs — as long as you don’t act on them! This is the message of […]
Judge tells preacher: Don’t use that part of the Bible
Originally published in The Christian Institute A street preacher has been told by a judge which Bible verse he should have used when discussing homosexuality, as he was convicted of a public order offence at Bristol Crown Court. Michael Overd was represented by the Christian Legal Centre. It said the […]
ACDP condemns attack on Jewish teens
The African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) says it strongly condemns the attack on three Jewish teenagers who were physically assaulted and verbally abused by three unidentified men at The Zone, in Rosebank, Johannesburg last Saturday (March 21, 2015). “The fact that the teens were wearing the Kippot, which is traditional […]
European MPs: Support Christian rights!
[notice]This news and commentary comes from Citzen Go, an online activist community promoting life, family and liberty[/notice] The Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly has overwhelmingly supported the right of Christians to observe their faith at the workplace and in the education of their children. The resolution called, “Tackling intolerance and discrimination […]
ACDP wants to debate “terror camps” and religious freedom
The African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) wants the House of Assembly to debate “the apparent failure of State Security to stop South Africa from becoming a viable base for terror groups directly linked to al-Qaeda and Islamic State”, said ACDP President Rev Kenneth Meshoe yesterday. In a notice of motion […]