
FAMSA, churches, NGOs linking via social media

FAMSA in Port Elizabeth hoped to partner with some 170 local churches and NGOs involved in family outreach, through the medium of the new forgood social networking platform, said FAMSA board member Trevor Jennings yesterday. He was speaking at a Christian Leaders consultation on marriage and family life in Nelson […]

Global Leadership Summit 2011 profiles: 2/12

[notice]It is 11 weeks to the launch of the 2011 Global Leadership Summit (GLS) in South Africa. Today we profile the second in our weekly series of profiles of the 12 expert speakers who will challenge and inspire summit delegates around the world with the end goal of empowering local […]

Officials snub Helenvale delegation — Du Plessis

A delegation of Helenvale church leaders calling for a special Gangster Court in Port Elizabeth were bitterly disappointed yesterday when representatives of the Justice Department, Correctional Services and SA Police Services, all failed to turn up for a scheduled meeting, said delegation spokesman, Nico du Plessis. Du Plessis, who is […]

Norway mass muderer blends Christianity with Darwinism

Originally published in Charisma News The world continues to grieve for the country of Norway, after a bombing in Oslo’s City Center and subsequent shooting that left 92 dead on Friday. 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik of Oslo is in custody after allegedly detonating a bomb which targeted government buildings, including […]

Somali militants block famine aid

By Associated Press – Originally published in Seattle PI Al-Qaida-linked militants in Somalia vowed to keep most international aid workers away despite a worsening famine, as the U.N. warned Friday that 800,000 children could die in the region from starvation. Frustrated aid groups said they want to deploy more food […]