An honourable prophet — Angus Buchan

There are many people at the moment who are desperately trying to find favour with family and with close relatives, and often find themselves up against a brick wall. Well, I want to encourage you today, that even Jesus Himself, struggled with trying to bring the Gospel to His own family and those close to… Continue reading An honourable prophet — Angus Buchan

Time to exercise fruits of the Spirit — Angus Buchan

Galatians 5:22-23 speaks about the fruit of the Spirit. As we enter into the Christmas and New Year season, “the festive season”, we really need to exercise the fruit of the Spirit. This is a time when family meet together. It’s been a long hard year and I know the Lord is very proud of… Continue reading Time to exercise fruits of the Spirit — Angus Buchan

Loyalty you can depend upon — Angus Buchan

The definition of the word loyal is showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person (the Oxford dictionary). If we look at Mark 14:50 (NKJV) we’ll see that all of the disciples forsook Him and fled — “Then they all forsook Him and fled.” This was after Peter had said very clearly to… Continue reading Loyalty you can depend upon — Angus Buchan

Stand – Angus Buchan

At the moment I am sitting in my prayer room writing this letter to you from our farm Shalom. As I am writing this, we have had reports that there are forest fires everywhere. There is a wind blowing and it is code red which means no one may burn any firebreaks or any such thing.… Continue reading Stand – Angus Buchan