Other News

Islamist extremists kill over 178 in Kano, Nigeria

Originally published in Reuters.Com Gun and bomb attacks by Islamist insurgents in the northern Nigerian city of Kano last week killed at least 178 people, a hospital doctor said todayo, underscoring the challenge President Goodluck Jonathan faces to prevent his country sliding further into chaos. A coordinated series of bomb […]

Prayer + Action = Breakthrough in 2012

As this is my first update for the year, I wish you and your family God’s best for 2012. I pray you experience His love, blessing, provision & protection in greater measure this year. I believe you and I will see God’s righteous rule increase in our families, government and […]

Mob justice is injustice

  [notice]In a letter to the editor published in the Eastern Province Herald today, Pastor Afrika Mhlophe speaks out against vigilantism such as an incident last week when an angry Port Elizabeth mob stoned a suspected child rapist to death. This is what he wrote. [/notice] As South Africans we […]