Other News

Pope Francis to wash refugees’ feet on Holy Thursday

Originally published in Fox News Pope Francis will wash the feet of young refugees during an Easter Week ritual in a gesture high in symbolism inside the Catholic Church and beyond. The Vatican didn’t say Tuesday if non-Catholics would be among the 12 refugees participating in the Holy Thursday rite […]

Veteran NASA astronaut: science confirms bible

Originally published in Christian News A veteran NASA astronaut who will soon become the American record holder for most days in space is an outspoken professing Christian who believes that scientific research confirms the Bible’s creation account. Jeff Williams is a 58-year-old astronaut with a decorated career at NASA spanning […]

Four Bible translators murdered in Middle East

Originally published in Mission Network News Bible translation in Muslim-dominant areas is risky. Mix that occupation with animosity aimed at Muslim-Background Believers and what you get is a volatile and often explosive reaction. That’s proven true for Wycliffe Associates. President/Chief Executive Officer Bruce Smith confirms the deaths of four national […]

Cool heads needed in probe into religious exploitation

The Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Cultural, Linguistic and Religious Rights of Communities (CRL) has caused great consternation within the South African Christian community as it continues with its hearings into the commercialisation of religion and the exploitation of people’s beliefs. As a chapter 9 institution, the commission […]