Other News

Nelson Mandela dies at 95

Former President Nelson Mandela. Originally published in Christian Today Nelson Mandela has passed away at the age of 95 last night (Thursday, December 5). The 95-year-old anti-apartheid hero had been frequently hospitalized in the months prior to his death today. Mandela’s death was announced by South African president Jacob Zuma at […]

Bybels vir slagoffers van Tifoon Haiyan

Oorspronklik gepubliseer in Kerkbode Die Filippynse Bybelgenootskap wil deur middel van die “God is ons toevlug-projek” so gou moontlik 250 000 Bybelgedeeltes, 20 000 Bybelse strokiesprente en 20 000 volledige Bybels onder tifoonslagoffers versprei. Dit kom nadat die ergste tifoon in die geskiedenis onlangs die dood van meer as 10 000 mense en die […]

Cope merges with Christian party

Originally published in ecna.com The Congress of the People (Cope) on Thursday announced that it has merged with the National Republican Party (NRP). The announcement was made in Johannesburg by senior leaders from both parties among them Mosiuoa Lekota of Cope and Pastor Tebogo Rakgabyane of NRP. It was mentioned […]

Bethel Music — Without Words: Review

Music Review by Ellenor Lotter BETHEL MUSIC — WITHOUT WORDS  This week at last I can testify to the fact that I actually do know the artists who came up with this week’s new release.   Oh yes, none other than WITHOUT WORDS by Bethel Music.  Five months ago I […]